In my attempt to blog more often and more on progress than results, yesterday I posted too quickly about not finding a freelance welder. Well it takes only patience. Last night a local guy called, we agreed to time and price, and this afternoon he showed up to do his 15 minutes -- the column is now welded to the base plate! Unfortunately for him, his weld was somewhat ugly, though still passable, so he spent extra time (about an hour total) grinding it down to a smooth concave fillet. I guess that's why he's looking for work. Paid him $75 still. It looks nice because he put in extra effort for pride. I later sprayed primer on it.
Now it's easier to prepare for the hoisting of the long beam. It's much safer without having somebody (like an hourly welder) waiting and watching. Tomorrow my assistant and a neighbor friend of mine will help me get that beam up there in slow motion.
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