Mar 21, 2005

Mar 7, 2005

Two ripe strawberries

I wonder if these "strawberries" are edible. Probably not. I wouldn't dare. There are two big red ones. New clusters are forming, too. Nice.

I'm hesitant to claim that these young trees survived the winter because they dropped a lot of leaves. The soil (under thick mulch) is still very moist after three days of dry weather. Drainage is an issue around here. Hopefully, these trees are on the "better" side.

Click on photo to see how it looked when first planted.

Arbutus Marina

Red young leaves

New leaves are indeed red. It's a nice contrast to the green. I'm glad this tree is thriving without severe problems. Knock on wood. The older, greener leaves did show fungus spots. At least, I think they were fungus spots... dark, ugly spots that's been plaguing several other plant leaves in my yard.

Click on photo to see earlier post when it was first planted.

Photinia fraseri

Mar 5, 2005

Shelf within a shelf

Just a paper shelf, really. Made from scraps. Can you tell it wasn't digitally planned with precision? The bottom shelf is 1/4 inch shorter than the rest. My mistake. I had the wood for it, too. Some dark endgrain (visible at the lower corners) is the dead giveaway. And the top shelf is too short. Oh well. It works.

This is part of the wall shelves in my office.