Sep 19, 2006

Windmill Mole Chaser

To commemorate the death of two White Bower vines at the gnawing teeth of gophers (or moles or whatever they are), I planted this environmentally friendly device aptly called a Windmill Mole Chaser.

It's pretty much what it looks like, except there's a loose steel ball inside the horizontal metal tube, rolling and rattling while the ball-bearing windmill spins and rotates, helping to send extra vibrations to the ground, which is the concept behind it.

A standard 1/2" diameter 10-ft long galvanized iron pipe fits perfectly when set about 30 inches deep. I left mine totally untethered to allow the maximum conduction of "noise" into the ground.

It sells everywhere for about $20, but I got mine through eBay (new) for $8. Shipping and handling brought it back up to $19. Long pipe from Home Depot costs another $11.

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