Sep 26, 2006

Clamped post

I forgot to take a photo before clamping, but basically this is a biscuit-and-glue process. Same as before. Three sides were biscuit-and-glued in the shop, forming a U-shaped profile. Needless to say, precise cutting and shaping were essential because it had to fit snuggly. It totally helps to have a jointer and a good biscuit joiner, as well as the usual radial-arm saw (or table saw).

Before final assembly, I wrapped the steel with 1/16" thick packaging foam. It serves to buffer the two materials, steel and wood, because they will expand and contract at different rates due to various reasons. A snug fit sandwiching the compressible foam helps the cedar post to feel solid for a long time -- at least, that's what I'm hoping for.

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