Jun 19, 2006

Roofer's mistake #3

When the roofer and I had discussed the critical spots that needed extra care, he correctly explained that the skylight curb corner where the existing valley flows toward it was one of the most important areas. He assured me that it would be wrapped up neatly, properly and perfectly.

But as chance would have it, the results are completely contrary to him claims. Indeed, there's a large gaping hole one-inch wide at exactly where it should NOT be -- the skylight curb corner below the valley -- inviting every drop of rainwater to flow into it!

When I first pointed it out, he assured me that it would "heal itself" in short time. Yeah right. It has now been four hot days, and the hole has actually lifted higher (due to improper basesheet nailing), exposing more void inside.

It's absurd.

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