Aug 30, 2007

Stair treads

My stair design includes a wide tread dimension where two standard Trex boards would still be an inch shy. So I decided to get fancy by inserting a strip of Ipé wood. It's relatively expensive at $24 for the smallest piece I found (8-foot of 5/4 x6). The inlay appearance turned out nice though. It's also called "ironwood" -- it's denser than water and one of the hardest hardwoods available.I'm also experimenting with invisible deck fasteners. This Deckmaster solution is one of the few that works when boards have a lip overhang like stair treads.The bracket piece was easy enough to cut short with aviation snips. However, it's almost mandatory to put your entire body weight over the fasten point while crouching over in a real tiring position to drive the special screws up from underneath. It's recommended, but still very tiring. Then the screw angle pulls the board off position if it doesn't bite perfectly. I would not recommend it for sloppy workers.

It's not a cheap solution either, at a cost of $40 for the smallest quantity (10 pieces of 22" long brackets suitable for about 25 sq.ft. of decking).

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