Nov 30, 2006

Ambient light sensor

Now lighting controls are totally trick.

The cover plate had to be replaced anyway (click on image to see previous). So with leftover cedar, I fabricated a fully code-complaint double-layer junction box cover at this perfect location for a standard ambient light sensor purchased from Home Depot.

At full daylight in the afternoon the timer switch powers on, but this ambient sensor holds it off. Lights come on after sunset when it's dark enough, but then the dimmer switch keeps it all at low light -- for both energy savings, bulb longevity, and because it gets pretty bright with all four lights on. Then, at a "random auto" time which I've chosen to be 11pm (plus or minus 15 minutes), it shuts off for the night.

When visitors arrive, I just ramp up the dimmer to full brightness. Otherwise, it cycles on and off automatically everyday, just like the post lamp.

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