Brisbane Box (left) has been in the ground about 3.5 years now. Soil was thought to be poor. Watering has been more expert and ideal — weekly only for first summer, occasionally for second summer, once for third, now dry winter plus late spring showers with zero hosing. Pruning of lower branches helped. Mulch is 3/4" fir bark.

(Click image to see earlier post as usual)
Wild Lilac (center), planted same time as Brisbane, has been growing profusely. Taller than expected, but visual screening affect is a welcome. Needs sun.
Lemonwood (right) is almost 5 years in the ground. Described as "fast growing," it's been surpassed by the Brisbane Box.
Lophostemon confertus
Ceanothus griseus "Louis Edmunds"
Pittosporum Tarata